13 days!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My poor blog gets no attention these days...

I finally finished my 1st semester of PA school. Wow. Hardest, most frustrating, exhausting, yet rewarding thing I have ever done. I will admit... I am proud of myself for the dedication and time I put into studying in the midst of planning a wedding and building a house. You see, we are allowed ONE [yes, 1] C for the 2.5 years we are in the program or we are kicked out. That adds a tiny bit of pressure to us, as if we need more pressure.

Anyways, now I am in full wedding mode! In just 13 days I will marry my best friend. HOLY COW how is it so soon? It feels like yesterday that we were getting engaged. I never knew how many details there were until now... make sure the people making dessert know where to have them delivered, make seating arrangements for rehearsal dinner and BM luncheon, get marriage license, make sure photographer knows where to meet us, finalize programs, pick out lip color for the wedding (who knew this would be such a task).

Because I am so excited about the wedding day it has been so easy to overlook the fact that we are going to MEXICO for a week after the wedding. I get extra happy when I remember this *small* fact. A beach, mystery novel, champagne, ridiculous amounts of food, and my HUSBAND... yes please.

I pray that we can soak in these last few days before we get hitched to enjoy Christmas and celebrate the birth of Jesus. What a happy time!


Wedding update!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My poor blog has been kicked to the curb lately due to the fact that I haven't even come up for air. A typical day for me... wake up at 6:00am, eat breakfast and study until 7:45, class from 8:00-4:30, work out if I'm lucky, but usually straight home to study from 5:00-11:00 (with dinner in between) then wake up the next day and do it all over again. School is my life lately, and I'm ok with that because this is what I signed up for. However, time has passed by SO FAST that I haven't even been able to savor these last few months before the wedding. It's NOVEMBER already?! Holy cow. Anyways, I have accomplished wedding stuff here and there thanks to my mom. And in the midst of the craziness the first wedding disaster happened: the bridesmaid's dresses didn't fit. Yep. Mom went and picked them up out of town and I tried one on that should have fit me and it was FAR from zipping. Needless to say, I freaked out and got them to the girls immediately. 4 fit and 4 were too small. The seamstress said they could let it out about 1 inch, which worked for 2 girls. The other 2 we considered ordering fabric to add to the sides but we ended up just buying new dresses.  Yes, we had to order 2 new bridesmaid's dresses that aren't going to ship until DECEMBER 18... meaning they won't get here until probably 5 days before the wedding [insert panic attack]. On a bright note, I am OBSESSED with the dresses. They are exactly what I imagined and perfect for our Winter wedding. Also, we just sent invitations out today! Finally!! They looked BEAUTIFUL, I am so happy with how they turned out... simple, elegant, timeless. Check out AMGDesignCo on Etsy. Anne Marie is one of our friends and she is SO talented!

Set a date
Book ceremony venue
Book reception venue
Book photographer
Book DJ
Book florist
Ask bridal party to be in wedding
Book caterer & bar
Create wedding website
Buy wedding dress
Book ceremony musicians
Take engagement pictures
Select bridesmaid dresses
Select and order groom & groomsmen attire
Purchase veil
Purchase wedding jewelry
Purchase garter (might borrow my sister's)
Buy wedding shoesBook cake baker
Order save the dates (not doing them)
Finalize guest list (whew... this is a task in itself)
Order guest book (doing something unique for our guest book)
Hotel room blocks
Engagement announcement local newspapers
MOB dress shopping
Book makeup artist & hair stylist
Menu tasting
Take bridal portraits (not doing them... too busy with school)
Hair trial (on Friday!)
Make up trial
1st dress fitting 
2nd dress fitting
Create ceremony program (AMG is doing all our paper products... so excited!)
Order invitations
Mail invitations
Book rehearsal diner venue
Book rehearsal dinner music
Buy rehearsal dinner dress
Order koozies
Book transportation from ceremony to reception for bridal party
Buy bridal party gifts
Bachelorette party
Bridal shower
Purchase wedding bands
Premarital counseling
Put together picture list for photographer
Put together play list for DJ
Get marriage license
Book transportation from reception to hotel
Book honeymoon 
Rehearsal dinner invitations
Rehearsal dinner groom’s cake
Book wedding night hotel room (FIRST NIGHT IN OUR NEW HOUSE!)
Order thank you notes
Wedding announcement in local newspapers
Walk down the aisle & say I do!

I cannot believe it is just a month and a half away! We have our last wedding shower this weekend hosted by Garrett's amazing aunts. Then it's wedding time! I cannot wait to marry my best friend, better half, life mate. 53 days and counting!

My bach weekend!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bachelorette weekend: the weekend every girl begins anticipating immediately after she gets engaged! Well mine was 2 weekends ago, and it didn't disappoint. My amazing best friends and older sister had the entire weekend planned and didn't tell me a single thing about it. All I knew was that we were going to Charlotte. So Friday was spent waiting for all 10 of us to arrive from all over NC. We spent the afternoon at Southpark mall (most amazing mall ever) then had a delicious dinner and drinks at Cowfish. After dinner we went back to our hotel where they had completely decorated our suites with bachelorette goodies! I was so surprised! They had balloons, games, food, and champagne [my favorite]. They showered me with lingerie... I couldn't stop blushing. Then they had a Jeopardy game where they had previously asked my fiancé a bunch of questions about him, me, and us. I did pretty darn good if I do say so myself!

Saturday we got up bright and early to start our day. I had no idea where we were going, but we ended up at the cutest outside shopping mall. It was such a pretty day... perfect for shopping and hanging out. We had lunch and drinks then a private shopping party! The whole store was reserved for us, with cupcakes and champagne too! It was amazing and so much fun!

Saturday night we went to the most delicious dinner... I don't remember the name of the restaurant :( Then to bars until my mommy-mature sister gathered us all up and made us go home around 2am. It was A BLAST. Needless to say, I was tired the entire next week. My girls made this weekend one I will never forget. So thankful for them all. I truly have a group of friends that will be there until the day I die.

Love my sissy

And no bachelorette weekend is complete without 2:30 am late night pizza


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tomorrow at 12:00 midnight my dad will set off on his bike from Atlantic Beach, NC to San Diego, CA. Why 12:00 am? Because he is trying to set a record of riding this distance in 10 days or less and the clock starts at 12:00. More importantly, he is trying to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club along the way. He will ride 18 hours a day, totaling about 300 miles a day, all to bring awareness to the underprivileged kids across the country that need our help the most. He rode from NC to Key West, FL and from NC to Canada and raised over $100,000. He has a passion for these kids and believes that without the Boys and Girls Clubs, they don't have a fair shot at success like the rest of us. The B&G Clubs are keeping these kids off the streets after school and helping them complete their homework. The Clubs are a support system for them when they may not have this at home.

My dad's journey can be tracked live on www.riding4areason.org and you can see where he is all throughout his trip! If you feel compelled to donate, this can also be done from the website! Also, they have created an Instagram: riding4areason.

I am asking for prayers for my dad, as this task is very dangerous. Not only is it going to be incredibly hard on his body but he will be riding right beside cars, avoiding dogs that chase him, and riding 1/3 of the time in complete darkness. Please pray for his safety and health!

"My mind and my body may grow weak, but God is my strength; He is all I ever need." -Psalm 73:26

4 years

Sunday, September 22, 2013

4 years ago Garrett Winston Davis asked me to be his girlfriend. I still remember exactly what he said. He seemed so nervous while we were watching tv then he finally said, "I really like you, and I think you really like me? We have so much fun together. Would you like to officially be my girlfriend?" It was so adorable. 4 years later we are preparing to become husband and wife.

People always ask me if I knew right away that he was "the one". The truth is, I HOPED he was the one, but I felt like I didn't deserve him. He was the most good looking, respectful, thoughtful guy I had ever met. Usually these characteristics don't go together ;) After our first date I called my mom and told her how hott and amazing he was and that I was sure he would never call me again. Two minutes after hanging the phone up he asked me out on date #2. It all seemed too good to be true. Thankfully, it wasn't.

Garrett takes such good care of me, respects me, treats me like a princess, and gets excited over the smallest things with me. We truly are best friends. I could hang out with just him every day for the rest of my life and be content. I am so thankful God chose him for me. And I pray that I never take that for granted. Here's to 100+ more.

The first picture we ever took together

Visiting him in Cape Cod while he spend the summer there playing baseball


Friday, September 13, 2013

Confession: I am 100% type-A, overachiever, perfectionist. In PA school this is both good and bad. This personality is good for making sure all my work gets done, that I am on time, and that I am organized. My planner looks like a work of art, no joke. Everything is color-coded, checked off, etc. However, this is bad because with 6 tests in one week, it is physically impossible to complete everything 100%. I do NOT like leaving things incomplete. But with 6 tests, you never have enough time to completely learn all the material. I admit that I am not used to making "bad" grades. In undergrad, I would study hard and I was rewarded with good grades. Now, I study hard and get average or below-average grades. IT SUCKS. But it is teaching me to be content with not being perfect. Though I am just average here, I am happy with my small victories and I am relying on God and not myself to carry me through.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The past 2 weeks have been SO busy. Between getting into school mode and trying to pick out stuff for the house, I have been crazy busy. Garrett came to town Friday so we could get a bunch of appointments packed into one day then we headed to the beach for the last weekend of the summer (tear). This makes me super sad and super excited at the same time. Last beach weekend of the summer= fall is around the corner= wedding is SO CLOSE. Speaking of wedding, there are so many small things that pop into my head during class that I tell myself I need to do for the wedding, but there is never enough time. You see, I go to class 8-5, go straight home and give my brain a break to workout, eat dinner, then study until bed and wake up and do it alllllll over. Where is the time for wedding planning? There isn't any. However, there is a [semi] light at the end of the tunnel. Next week I have 6 exams so IF I survive that week, I will be able to do some wedding stuff the following week.

Bella's 2nd birthday was last week so we had a birthday party for her at the beach. Yes, she is a dog. But she is our furry baby and we love her so much. She loved her pup-cake and all her new toys, but didn't like the birthday hat I made her wear so I could snap her annual birthday pic.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Our cute little house is coming along!

Happy birthday Bella boo! I love you!

One of "those days"

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today was one of "those days". You know, one of the days where nothing goes "right". I knew it was going to be that way when I spilled my coffee on the way to my car. Coffee= 100% essential in the mornings. The day ended with a pop quiz... the 2nd week of class. I did absolutely terrible. Obviously I freaked out because I am a perfectionist and don't like failing at anything, especially school. I got in my car and blared my Chris Tomlin c.d. and felt so much better when I got home. I realized that I need to LET GO of trying to be perfect. Let go of the desire to make perfect grades, let go of trying to please everyone, let go of constantly worrying about the future. I am at a point in my life where there are so many changes on the horizon which is constantly making me worry and stress. I always hear Jesus telling me to "let go". After all, what 's the point in worrying when my future is already secure in Heaven?

My niece

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ella James Page-- the love of my life.

I never knew how much I could love someone. I love my family and my fiancé a lot, don't get me wrong. But the love I have for my niece is a different kind of love. I feel like my heart is outside of my chest crawling around on the floor and smiling her 2-toothed adorable grin.

My sister let me watch her birth which was the most amazing moment of my entire life. Watching this small miracle come into the world made my heart grow 10 sizes. Ever since that day, October 29, 2012, I realize there is much more to life than material things.

I rushed home from Chapel Hill when my sister went into labor. I made it in plenty of time being that Keehln labored for 36 hours. I emailed my teachers and told them I was a new aunt and that I would be missing class for a few days. When Ella James was 3 days old I had to leave her for the first time, and I sobbed as I drove back to Chapel Hill (only to return 24 hours later). And this morning when we dropped her off at the church nursery, we walked away and I told my sister I needed to go back and check on her one more time. Yes, I am overprotective, attached, and in love with my perfect niece. Man, I am going to be in trouble when I have kids of my own.

Wedding shower!

Monday, August 19, 2013

This past Saturday my amazing best friends threw me a wedding shower. It was so much fun to get together with all my girls and our moms, my family, cousins, Garrett's family, etc. I felt completely blessed and loved. Not to mention spoiled... I got the most amazing gifts ever! I never knew how excited I would be to get plates and sheets. I am officially an old [almost] married woman. Below are some pics of the day!

How amazing does my aunt look?! She kicked breast cancer's a**! Thank you, Lord!

My best friends in the whole world!

Future hub and future sis!

My mom.. my best friend!

It was the best day ever! Now, I'm in full-on school mode. Class starts tomorrow and I am so excited to get into the swing of things! Hope you have a great week! Happy studying ;)

Moment of clarity

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The last two nights my devotions have been all about trusting God. These were very appropriate at a time in my life where I feel overwhelmed by change (I don't like change one bit). Well, after two full days of orientation, I am confident that God was looking out for me. My classmates are AMAZING, my professors are so inviting and helpful, and I am so much more excited and less anxious about this new journey.

I was sitting there today surrounded by 34 new friends [classmates] and I had one of those "ah-ha" moments. I realized that I am right where I am supposed to be. They say every person has about 7 moments in their life that define them, and I am sure this season of my life is one for me. This journey of starting PA school is going to be stressful but I am ready for the challenge and proud of myself for facing this head-on.

Next time I get overwhelmed, I am just going to repeat Philippians 4:6 to myself: "Do not be anxious about anything; instead, pray about everything."

Monday Musings

Monday, August 12, 2013

Today was less than ideal for more than 1 reason:

1. I have a test the first week of class. However, we don't know what it will be on. They gave us a textbook and said to study. I am basically already a stressed out wreck and class hasn't even started. Welcome to the next 2.5 years of my life.

2. The PA school has been contacting me through my UNC email address. Therefore, I figured there was no need to check my ECU email. I was wrong. I just figured out how to check it [I am technologically challenged] and had a million emails including my tuition which was due LAST WEEK. Praying I'm not kicked out of school. I am going to give the people a sob story and hope they feel sorry for me.

3. I have orientation tomorrow and I don't know a single person. Even though I am SO EXCITED to start this new chapter of my life, it is going to be overwhelming. It's like going to high school the first day of freshman year and not knowing a soul in any of your classes. I am the new girl once again.

4. On a brighter note, I got an adorable Scout lunch box today. Yes, I am a total nerd.

Hope your week is starting off great! Xoxo

Saturday wish list

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy Saturday! With Fall right around the corner (my absolute favorite time of year), there are a few things I have my eye on.

Every girl has their favorite clothing item, whether necklaces, heels, or jeans. My obsession is with boots. Maybe because I love cool weather. My go-to outfit is a pair of Frye boots with a cute sweater. This year I am lusting over these Frye boots. I love that they are black AND brown.

I absolutely love candles. My future sister-in-law got some amazing candles from Anthropologie that smell delicious. Every time I go in that store I spend forever smelling and looking at all the candles. Right when I move into my new house these candles will be one of my first purchases.

With PA school right around the corner, I am trying to start buying only clothes that are work appropriate. I tried this shirt on in Charlotte and fell in love. How adorable would it be under a black blazer? Might have to pull the trigger soon.

What are you lusting over as we transition to Fall? Xoxo

6 things about me

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jumping on the bandwagon with this one. Answer 6 of the 12 questions about yourself:

1. What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
2. Favorite movie, song, or TV show?
3. Any funny stories to share that has happened recently?
4. Tell us something we don't know about you.
5. What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
6. What's your favorite or go-to outfit? (pics please)
7. What's a personal trial you had to overcome?
8. What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
9. What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
10. Who or what inspires you?
11. Share one of your favorite pics. Tell us why it's your favorite
12. What's your favorite part about marriage? Or what have you learned since becoming married?

1. Something silly I get excited about is getting in bed and watching Dateline or 20/20 on Friday nights. Wow, I'm such a loser. But seriously, I have spent every weekend this summer at the beach and that is what I look forward to. I have always loved a good murder mystery. So there is nothing better than snuggling up in bed and watching the new ones that come on tv on Friday nights.

4. Something not many people know about me is that I never met either of my grandfathers. My mom's dad died when she was 13 from cancer [i HATE cancer]. My dad's dad died when he was 2 in Vietnam. He had just gotten off duty and was headed home but volunteered to ride in a helicopter to help deliver supplies to some other troops. Their helicopter was shot down and he died. My dad was adopted by my Pop Pop when he was very young, so I consider him my grandpa but we share no blood.

8. My dream is about to come true when I start Physician Assistant school in less than 2 weeks. Working in medicine has always been my dream. I wanted to go to medical school until I realized that I also want a healthy marriage and kids in the future. That's when I decided being a PA is a much better fit for me. I busted my butt in college and spent my nights studying while my peers were out drinking. I am very proud of my academic accomplishments and can't wait to practice orthopedics or whatever other form of medicine I fall in love with!

10. My aunt inspires me. She is battling breast cancer. The day she had her mastectomy I was babysitting my cousins and she got home from the hospital and cooked us dinner. She is super woman. I am so proud of her!

11. This is my favorite picture of us! Garrett was playing baseball in Cape Cod for the summer and I spent the week there visiting him. We took the ferry to Nantucket for the day and rented a moped. We had the BEST time ever.  The cobblestone streets do not make for a smooth moped ride... we spent most of the day dying laughing at each other. I will never forget that day!

12. I am not married yet, but I will be in 4.5 months. So though I haven't learned anything yet, I am looking forward to a lot. Because we are waiting to live together until we are married, I can't WAIT to go to sleep beside him and wake up beside him everyday. I can't wait to spend lazy weekends at our house cooking out and playing with our dog. I can't wait to cook dinner together. I can't wait to make our house our first "home". I can't wait do life with him... the good and the bad. 

Wedding planning!

So far I have completely enjoyed wedding planning. I might change my mind in 4 months, but so far I haven't experienced the "so stressed out I'm just ready for it to be over" phase. And I hope I never feel like that, because I want this experience to be memorable and enjoyable. The only 2 things that haven't gone exactly as hoped are that we wanted to get married right before Christmas as opposed to right after. Because I am in school full-time, we had to have the wedding over my Christmas break, so it was either December 21 or 28. The church was already booked for the 21 but the 28 actually turns out better... we get to go on our Honeymoon over NYE... what could possibly be better?! Also, the hair/make-up girl I was dreaming of having was booked already :( tear. Anyways, One of my old friends is getting married and I saw this long check list on her page, and wanted to copy! 

Set a date
Book ceremony venue
Book reception venue
Book photographer
Find a reasonably priced Videographer (might not have one)
Book DJ
Book florist
Ask bridal party to be in wedding
Book caterer & bar
Create wedding website
Buy wedding dress
Book ceremony musicians
Take engagement pictures
Select bridesmaid dresses
Select and order groom & groomsmen attire
Purchase veil
Purchase wedding jewelry
Purchase garter (might borrow my sister's)
Buy wedding shoesBook cake baker
Order save the dates (not doing them)
Finalize guest list (whew... this is a task in itself)
Order guest book (doing something unique for our guest book)
Hotel room blocks
Engagement announcement local newspapers
MOB dress shopping
Book makeup artist & hair stylist
Menu tasting
Take bridal portraits (not doing them... too busy with school)
Hair & make up trial
1st dress fitting 
2nd dress fitting
Create ceremony program (AMG is doing all our paper products... so excited!)
Order invitations
Mail invitations
Book rehearsal diner venue
Book rehearsal dinner music
Buy rehearsal dinner dress
Order kooziesDIY reception favors
Book transportation from ceremony to reception for bridal party
Buy bridal party gifts
Bachelorette party
Bridal shower
Purchase wedding bands
Premarital counseling
Put together picture list for photographer
Put together play list for DJ
Get marriage license
Order wedding favors
Book transportation from reception to hotel
Book honeymoon 
Rehearsal dinner invitations
Rehearsal dinner groom’s cake
Book wedding night hotel room (FIRST NIGHT IN OUR NEW HOUSE!)
Order thank you notes
Wedding announcement in local newspapers
Walk down the aisle & say I do!

I feel like I have gotten a decent amount done. Most of the stuff that I have left to do can't be done this early. I am going to be so busy studying this semester that I have tried to get everything possible done this summer! Happy wedding planning! Xoxo

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